2010-06-11 09:03:19 UTC
I have an A* in English Language, an A in Literature and a predicted A - A* in Humanities, Business, Drama, Citizenship and Media for my GCSEs, while I also took an AS level this year too, aiming for an A. For the rest of my subjects I have Bs and Cs, apart from Maths, where I currently have a D and did rather badly this year in the exams. (Bizarre, I know...I'm not a fan of Maths)
My sixth form mention nothing which forces you to retake Maths if you do fail it, they merely for 5 above Cs in any subject, which would allow me to take the 4 A levels I wish to do, so that is not an issue. What I am interested in is what the future adverse affects of having this out of place D on my record would be, and whether it is worth taking an eye off my A levels in order to attempt to retake it.
I have looked on many sites, with views ranging from 'Don't worry, it won't matter in the long run, it's only one GCSE.' to 'If you don't get a C you will be thrown into the depths of hell for all eternity, unemployed and rejected by all future forms of education.' So my question would be, which one is closer to the truth?