I dont know whats goin on with this question on my computer but it keeps highlightin everything - really annoying but oh well, I like to help :)
1. What grades did you get? I got an A in both Maths and RE, I got B's in Science, English Language, Computing and Statistics and I got C's in Geography, German, Art, English Literature and last years Science GCSE
2.My predicted grades were pretty much the same as what I got. I was predicted A's in Maths and RE which I felt really nervous about getting and didn't think I would so I was happy about that :) Everything I got a C in I was predicted a B, so....but i'm okay with it.
3. Did you find it stessful? I did towards the last 2-3 months. Once January comes they start really coming down on you to revise all the time and keep up to date and do loads of practise papers. And in April, a month before they started, they were really pressuring us but if you keep on top of revision, you will be fine. If your school has exam leave then you will find it easier and feel less pressured and more free.
4. Was my social life ruined? Not really, I revised on weeknights, when I wouldn't usually see friends anyway. And on weekends, I revised for about an hour or two so there was loads of time for a social life.
5. I DID do better than my mocks :D
6. Science was okay, it was alot of revision for three different sciences Biology, Chemisty and Physics but I gained a C last year and a B this year. Physics was the hardest one, it used to be Chemistry, I used to HATE Chemisty, so I revised my butt of for it, and began to actually understand it, and ended up finding the exam easy and got a B :) English was okay but you need to really revise and understand everything. Maths was hard because I did Higher Tier and was expected an A.
7. Out of the options you took, I only did Geography, And I got a C in that. You should create little flashcards and diagrams. Draw out a picture and label all the parts, then stick it on your bedroom wall and once you know all the infomation, make a new one.
8. Around January time. But the earlier the better. If I started revising in November time. I might have another A and I would feel even better with myself :)
9. There are lots of different ways suchas, playing revision games with people or online, testing yourself, doing practise papers or just reading out of a book, but do whatever way you find easiest and works best for you.
10. Year 11 was alot more serious than Year 10, you can't afford to mess around really. You need to get your head into your books. You can revise and revise the months leading up to exam time and then afterwards you can enjoy your summer and do whatever you want! Just concentrate in class and DONT let other people distract you from your work. And do all your homework and coursework. I was happy with my grades yeah.
11. I built up my revision over time. In January I started doing 30 minutes every other night. Then in March time I would be doing 45 minutes six nights a week (gave myself saturdays off :P) and by late April/May time when the exams were just around the corner I did about an hour six nights a week. And when the exams were actually happening, I was constantly with my head in a revision book.
But it all pays off, when you open your results this time next year and see A's and B's you will feel so happy with yourself that your hard work payed off and you will feel more inspired in the future to work hard because you know you will succeed
Good luck!