2011-10-01 19:06:12 UTC
Exhibit A: Every time there is a meteor shower someone always asks if we are all going to die.
Exhibit B: My little sister wants to be a unicorn scientist when she grow up.
Exhibit C: At least half of my freshmen class worship the idiots on the Jersey Shore.
Exhibit D: In order to graduate, we must take two years of Fundamentals of Writing, where we learn things like parts of speech, voice in writing, and basic sentence structure.
Exhibit E: In the class state above, if we use fragment or run on sentences our grade for that paper goes down to a C, even if we are using them for impact or trying to replicate a very formal, grown up Victorian era style writing.
Exhibit F: Also in the class from exhibit D, more than half of my class is writing a memoir about their trip to Disney Land.
Exhibit G: They stated making fun of me and mocking me when I told them I was learning Latin.
Exhibit H: 1 fifth of the Americans can not find American of an unlabeled map.
Exhibit I: When ever my teachers write something in cursive or Roman numerals a vast majority of the class looks the writing like it is in Mandarin Chinese.
Exhibit J: Also with Exhibit I, when ever the teacher refuses to re write the cursive, everyone in my section of the room asks me to 'translate' it for them.
Exhibit K: There was a girl in my Algebra class last year, there was a girl who did not pass a single test or quiz.
Exhibit L: At my school, we have an English II class, which is basically for people who are still reading at a third grade level and barley have enough brain power to write their own names.
Exhibit M: My school has one honors English class and two English II classes.
Exhibit N: When my school stated enforcing a policy where if you were failing more than two classes you were ineligible to participate in sports, our cheer leading team was cut in half.
Exhibit O: Someone recently asked me how to make blue.
Exhibit P: The people at my school still don't use correct capitol letters when they write.
Exhibit Q: In a scientific discussion, someone said that Einstein had an IQ of 107. Where did they get this information from? Hannah Montana.
Exhibit R: I know some people who haven't completed one homework assignment since fifth grade.
Exhibit S: Some people still don't know the difference between "ladder" and "latter."
Exhibit T: Apparently, it is considering "stalking" if you comment on someone's Facebook status.
Exhibit U: I got my anatomy book taken away because there was a picture of a penis in it when the lesson was about the similarity of male and female genitals.
Exhibit V: Someone used the argument that a cellphone is not a paging device when our principal was taking it away because they were texting in class.
Exhibit W: Someone actually had Urban Dictionary cited in a research paper about ancient Rome.
Exhibit X: The trombone player who sits next to me in band doesn't know his A flat scale.
Exhibit Y: I recently made a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde joke and my peers looked at me like I had three heads.
Exhibit Z: Before I was moved into honors history, my teacher asked someone to locate the general area where Mecca was on a map and they pointed to Norway.
While I do have to admit some of these things are rather amusing, please try and answer my question. And do not tl;dr this either.