Why are a majority of people in the United States so stupid?
2011-10-01 19:06:12 UTC
First off, as a fourteen year old girl who just stated high school, I am an exception. The same can not be said for my class mates.

Exhibit A: Every time there is a meteor shower someone always asks if we are all going to die.

Exhibit B: My little sister wants to be a unicorn scientist when she grow up.

Exhibit C: At least half of my freshmen class worship the idiots on the Jersey Shore.

Exhibit D: In order to graduate, we must take two years of Fundamentals of Writing, where we learn things like parts of speech, voice in writing, and basic sentence structure.

Exhibit E: In the class state above, if we use fragment or run on sentences our grade for that paper goes down to a C, even if we are using them for impact or trying to replicate a very formal, grown up Victorian era style writing.

Exhibit F: Also in the class from exhibit D, more than half of my class is writing a memoir about their trip to Disney Land.

Exhibit G: They stated making fun of me and mocking me when I told them I was learning Latin.

Exhibit H: 1 fifth of the Americans can not find American of an unlabeled map.

Exhibit I: When ever my teachers write something in cursive or Roman numerals a vast majority of the class looks the writing like it is in Mandarin Chinese.

Exhibit J: Also with Exhibit I, when ever the teacher refuses to re write the cursive, everyone in my section of the room asks me to 'translate' it for them.

Exhibit K: There was a girl in my Algebra class last year, there was a girl who did not pass a single test or quiz.

Exhibit L: At my school, we have an English II class, which is basically for people who are still reading at a third grade level and barley have enough brain power to write their own names.

Exhibit M: My school has one honors English class and two English II classes.

Exhibit N: When my school stated enforcing a policy where if you were failing more than two classes you were ineligible to participate in sports, our cheer leading team was cut in half.

Exhibit O: Someone recently asked me how to make blue.

Exhibit P: The people at my school still don't use correct capitol letters when they write.

Exhibit Q: In a scientific discussion, someone said that Einstein had an IQ of 107. Where did they get this information from? Hannah Montana.

Exhibit R: I know some people who haven't completed one homework assignment since fifth grade.

Exhibit S: Some people still don't know the difference between "ladder" and "latter."

Exhibit T: Apparently, it is considering "stalking" if you comment on someone's Facebook status.

Exhibit U: I got my anatomy book taken away because there was a picture of a penis in it when the lesson was about the similarity of male and female genitals.

Exhibit V: Someone used the argument that a cellphone is not a paging device when our principal was taking it away because they were texting in class.

Exhibit W: Someone actually had Urban Dictionary cited in a research paper about ancient Rome.

Exhibit X: The trombone player who sits next to me in band doesn't know his A flat scale.

Exhibit Y: I recently made a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde joke and my peers looked at me like I had three heads.

Exhibit Z: Before I was moved into honors history, my teacher asked someone to locate the general area where Mecca was on a map and they pointed to Norway.

While I do have to admit some of these things are rather amusing, please try and answer my question. And do not tl;dr this either.
Ten answers:
2011-10-01 20:35:58 UTC
Do you really think you're a genius?

You don't even know how to spell classroom; it's one word, not two.

And most people in the United States are not stupid. Don't think you're superior just because you're enrolled in a few advanced high school courses.

Bill Gates is 100% American-born, and he was deemed the most affluent man in the world for over a decade by Forbes.
2011-10-01 20:42:24 UTC
Sounds like your school is full of dumbf*cks and you will be ranked #1 in your graduating class. Congratulations!

On a serious note, don't let these idiots bother you. They're here for a reason: to flip our burgers, mop our floors, and do coffe runs for us on a busy office morning. Once you go to college (I'm assuming it will be a good one), you will be surrounded with people who WANT to be there instead of people who are FORCED to be there by law.

Also, the US places more emphasis on commercialism and fame rather than education and so-called "nerdiness," which is why smart people are sometimes shunned and looked down upon and regarded as socially awkward and sometimes unattractive, and beautiful dumb people are glorified in the media.

The truth is, not everyone can be smart. The world would get way too competitive and there would be no one to do our b*tch work.
2016-03-01 07:35:52 UTC
Technically, Romney isn't even the Republican nominee yet...Let's wait until that race is over first, then we can see who is more wanted. From my understanding though, Romney and Obama are virtually tied, and with Obama being the incumbent, they are instantly given basically 4% advantage or something like that...So if you take away those points, that puts Romney solidly in the lead. And if by some miracle, Ron Paul wins the RNC nomination, well, it's over for Obama. Obama's teleprompter doesn't have a response for Pauls conviction of his beliefs in the greatness of this country.
2011-10-01 19:18:50 UTC
Half of the population is brain dead.. No Motivation and they do not want to learn. They think it is still the 60's and 70's and still want to make love not war and do drugs.HALF could not find there way out of a paper bag. No common sense and everyone sits around at a computer or the TV. You think it is bad, give it another 5 years and see what the next generation does not do. Bad grammar, tacky clothes. and bad ethics. No morals or standards.
Tahsin Z
2011-10-01 22:03:51 UTC
Consider it this way: 50% of US residents are stupider than average American.
2011-10-01 19:12:20 UTC
Haters are going to hate. You represent the type of people who start hate groups and discriminate.
2011-10-01 19:12:42 UTC
Just like you, not all people in the United States is stupid.
2011-10-01 19:09:32 UTC
Cool story bro, tell it again?
2011-10-01 21:01:51 UTC
Transfer to a school that will you challenge you more.
2011-10-01 19:11:42 UTC
I see you're a bit long winded.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.