The average Selection Index of juniors is about 147.
"Scores & Review
How Score Reports Are Delivered
How the Test Is Scored
Information on the Score Report
Notification of Qualification for National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship Programs
How Score Reports Are Delivered
Score reports are mailed to your high school principal in December. Each school decides how and when to distribute the scores to students. PSAT/NMSQT scores are not available by phone or online. Go to Score Report Plus for more information about score reports.
If you're a home schooled student, your PSAT/NMSQT score report is sent directly to your home address. On the test day, when completing the basic information on the answer sheet, be sure to enter your state's home school code in the "school code" section. The test supervisor will provide this for you.
Additional copies of your score report can be obtained from your counselor. Your school is responsible for distributing and retaining your PSAT/NMSQT scores.
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How the Test Is Scored
The PSAT/NMSQT is scored as follows:
each correct answer 1 full point, regardless of level of difficulty
each unanswered question 0 points
each incorrect answer to a Student-Produced Response question 0 points
each incorrect answer to a multiple-choice question minus 1/4 point
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Information on the Score Report
The PSAT/NMSQT score reports provide three different scores on the 20-to-80 scale. One each for critical reading skills, math skills, and writing skills. The average critical reading, math, and writing skills score for juniors is about 49.
Also on your score report is the Selection Index, which is the sum of the three scores (CR + M + W). The Selection Index ranges from 60 to 240. The average Selection Index of juniors is about 147.
Score reports include national percentiles, which allow you to compare your scores with other students in your grade level who have taken the PSAT/NMSQT. If you take the PSAT/NMSQT as a junior, you will receive junior percentiles. If you take the PSAT/NMSQT as a sophomore or younger student you will receive sophomore percentiles. For example, a junior student with a percentile of 53 has earned a score better than 53 out of every 100 college-bound juniors who took the test. Go to Score Report Plus for more information about your score report.
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Notification of Qualification for National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship Programs
If you take the PSAT/NMSQT as a junior and qualify to be designated a Commended Student or Semifinalist in NMSC's scholarship programs, you will be notified by your school in September of your senior year. For more information, go to Scholarship and Recognition Programs."