The best way to make a revision timetable is really to see how revision suits you.
When are you most active? If you do your best work in the morning, then plan your revision for the morning while your mind is fresh. Same if it's in the evening or afternoon.
Never revise for too long. Half hour maximum per session, and then have a half hour break. It breaks up the day and gives your mind time to relax.
The way I did my revising was to keep to my original school timetable. I'd revise my subjects in accordance to when I normally had the lesson. If I was normally scheduled for Biology on Monday morning at 9am, then that's when I revised for it.
Obviously it varied--if I had a French exam on May 5th, but the Geography exam was on June 15th, I wouldn't revise for Geography until after the French, and so on. So prioritise your revision into what exams come first or need the most work.
You can find an online one if you want, but it's best if you plan your revision to suit your needs. Most revision timetables revolve around people who study, study, study, and not everyone is like that, so just do what works best for you.